Concert Hall Event Schedule

Author: mustafacagatay.erol | Date: December 10, 2024

Announcement: The PP.1.2.FR.0104-Concert Hall Usage Form has been revised as of March 21, 2024. In the updated form, it is mandatory to provide details about the event's content, including participants and the event program. Requests that are not specified in the event content section of the form will not be considered.


The Ondokuz Mayıs University State Conservatory Concert Hall is open to all university staff and students for organizing the following events:

• Concerts

• Scientific Events

• Cultural Events

• Social Events

• Rehearsals (Preparing periods for events)

The regulations to organize an event in our concert hall for the students and academic staff:

All events held in our concert hall must be supervised by an academic advisor, who will be responsible for the organization. This academic advisor must be a member of the academic staff (Research Assistant, Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor). Students planning an event are required to have an academic advisor. Academic staff organizing events under their own name will automatically serve as the academic advisor for those events. They must also write their own name in the "Academic Advisor" section of the form.

An academic advisor wishing to organize an event must first check the "Concert Hall Event Schedule" below to find an available date and time. Then, they should complete the "PP.1.2.FR.0104-Concert Hall Usage Form," available in the University Quality Management System. The completed and signed form must be submitted to the Conservatory Directorate at least 15 days before the event. If the Directorate approves the event, the academic advisor must send an email to as soon as possible. This email should include all necessary details about the event (event name, date, time, academic advisor, and event poster, if available). The provided information will be added to the Concert Hall Event Schedule.

In case of a date change or cancellation, the academic advisor must notify the Directorate with a signed petition at least one (1) day before the scheduled event date.

The academic advisor is responsible for any damage to the concert hall equipment or fixtures during the event.

Note: Rehearsals can be requested multiple times but must not exceed three (3) hours per day.

Please click here to reach to the Concert Hall Usage Form (PP.1.2.FR.0104-Konser Salonu Kullanım Formu).