Concert Hall Event Schedule

Author: mustafacagatay.erol | Date: October 30, 2023

The concert hall of the Ondokuz Mayıs University State Conservatory is open to the entire staff who wants to organize the events below:

• Concerts

• Scientific Events

• Cultural Events

• Social Events

• Rehearsals (Preparing periods for events)

The regulations to organize an event in our concert hall for the students and academic staff:

All events are organized and conducted by an academic supervisor, an academic staff from any level (From Research Assistant to Professor). The students has to have an academic supervisor for their own events. The academic staff is their own academic supervisor of their own events. Academic staff members absolutely have to write their own name in the academic supervisor section on the form.

The academic supervisor who demands to organize an event has to check the Concert Hall Event Schedule below and find an available day and time first. Then, s/he has to fill the from titled "PP.1.2.FR.0104-Devlet Konservatuvarı Konser Salonu Kullanım Formu" (PP.1.2.FR.0104-State Conservatory Concert Hall Usage Form), and bring to the directory of Conservatory fifteen (15) days before the event's day at least by signing. If the event is approved by the directory, the academic supervisor has to sent an e-mail to the address which contains the all information of the event (Name of the event, date, hour, academic supervisor and the poster if it's available), as soon as possible. This information will be registered to the Concert Hall Event Schedule.

Any request for date changing or the cancellation of the event, the academic supervisor of the event has to deliver a petition one (1) day of the before the event's day at least to the directory of conservatory, by signing.

The academic supervisor of the event is responsible any kind of damage in the hall during the event which she conducts.

Note: The rehearsals could be demanded more than once. However, they has to be organized as three hours maximum per one day.

Please click here to reach to the Concert Hall Usage Form (PP.1.2.FR.0104-Konser Salonu Kullanım Formu).